Walk with me: An invitation to meditate during a film
Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch, 'Walk With Me' is a meditative film on Thich Nhat Hanh's Plum village. Here is what why you must watch it
Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch, 'Walk With Me' is a meditative film on Thich Nhat Hanh's Plum village. Here is what why you must watch it
The Harry Potter series has demonstrated many different ways for us to cultivate immeasurable love to ourselves and other beings. Apart from learning different spells in Hogwarts, we can also apply our magical abilities to further strengthen our loving-kindness and extend the benefits of metta to the muggles and beyond!
A reluctant educator is sent to a ‘dark valley’, what will he learn? Will he find happiness there or does happiness await for him in a place like Australia?
Fishing for love on Bumble/CMB/Tinder?
Can love be more realistic? Netflix's Love Hard pushes us to reflect deeper.
Beyond all the violence and nail-biting scenes of Squid Game, the show taught me some Dhamma lessons while I was watching it. Here are my 3 Dhamma takeaways!
The journeys of two young men searching for answers converge at Plum Village. It offers light in a world where we see escape as the only means to happiness.