
#WW: ❄️ Seeing Dhamma in Christmas…is that possible?

#WW: ❄️ Seeing Dhamma in Christmas…is that possible?

To our Christian readers and all that celebrate, Merry Christmas! In this season largely celebrated by Christians. Are there Dhamma elements we can take away from this celebration? We have heard stories from friends who are invited to Christmas events only to face attempts at conversion, leaving a bitter taste of Christmas. So can we see Dhamma in this festival? Here are two stories that may make you think different!

1. The role of spirituality and Christmas

2. Can Buddhists celebrate Christmas?

WW: 🀚”Stop prioritising happiness in life. Scientists say it hurts.Β ”Β 

WW: 🀚”Stop prioritising happiness in life. Scientists say it hurts.Β ”Β 

In life, we often choose what makes us feel good first and avoid the unpleasant. But scientists discovered that prioritising happiness can backfire and move us further away from being truly happy. But what exactly is happiness and how can we pursue it successfully? Here are two sharings that offer some answers:Β 

1. Don’t chase happiness. Become antifragile.
2. Choose pain first

#WW: 😑’ That really pisses me off ‘- A monk teaches an unhappy woman about happiness

#WW: 😑’ That really pisses me off ‘- A monk teaches an unhappy woman about happiness

The world is smiling and you are in a bad can just suck that way sometimes. Such situations can make us feel worse especially in a contrasting environment. How can we approach such tough emotions when they arise? Here are two stories on negative mind states
1. Don't worry, be grumpy
2. Maturity and the way we look at ourselves