#WW:🤯 Selfish Meditators & The Comparing Mind
Wholesome Wednesdays: Today we explore a 'critique' of meditation in secular settings and how we can break out of our comparing loop.
Wholesome Wednesdays: Today we explore a 'critique' of meditation in secular settings and how we can break out of our comparing loop.
Our minds are seldom at peace. Peace means having lasting contentment and not being piqued by the smallest things. Yet our mind seems to know there is something peaceful beyond our mundane experiences. For this reason, our minds are always searching for a refuge.
As “spiritual people” we might go through difficult events thinking we have transcended them – but actually, it may have just been spiritual bypass. To truly let something go, we must first find a way to meet ourselves and our suffering.
One of the things we need to educate ourselves is the nature of wanting. Because if we don't understand wanting, and we are directed by the misunderstandings around wanting, then, the results will be suffering.