The Porn Predicament: A Candid Look at Sexual Desire Through a Buddhist Lens
With porn so prevalent to all of us, what is the Buddhist take on porn. How can we sustain the practice in a digitally saturated world?
With porn so prevalent to all of us, what is the Buddhist take on porn. How can we sustain the practice in a digitally saturated world?
Transform sensitivities into strengths with practical tips on acceptance, goal-setting, and self-improvement. Explore how widening your vision can build resilience in a world shaped by the 'snowflake' narrative.
Beyond black and white views applied to gender, Bhante Dhammika explores the story of a transgender monk, the suttas on being trangenderi, and a possible explanation of why it happens.
Rethink self-care with insights from Buddhism. Discover a more meaningful approach to mental and physical health
Grief is a challenging process, especially after the death of a loved one. But we can draw inspiration from the teachings of the Buddha, especially about the Four Immeasurables—the cultivation of loving-kindness, compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity—to work through difficult emotions, counter cognitive distortions, and develop a deeper relationship with our grief over the long term.
Being overly competitive can arise in emotional stresses and other ugly emotions like jealousy and insecurity. Where is it stemming from, and how do we be mindful of it?