How to Beat Drowsiness While You Practice Meditation
Falling asleep during meditation is very common and if it happens to you every once a while, you really don't need to be too concerned. Paul shares 3 way to stay woke during meditation
Falling asleep during meditation is very common and if it happens to you every once a while, you really don't need to be too concerned. Paul shares 3 way to stay woke during meditation
Wondering why your mindfulness practice feels like a constant struggle? Learn how to cultivate the right mental states for success!
Mindfulness is an elusive aspect of Buddhist practice that many beginners find it hard to nail. Sister Sylvia acknowledges the challenges and offers three explanations on its impediments.
Inside Out 2: More than just a movie. Uncover the hidden Buddhist teachings and gain a new perspective on your mind and emotions.
With porn so prevalent to all of us, what is the Buddhist take on porn. How can we sustain the practice in a digitally saturated world?
Transform sensitivities into strengths with practical tips on acceptance, goal-setting, and self-improvement. Explore how widening your vision can build resilience in a world shaped by the 'snowflake' narrative.