The truth about grieving over a loved one
Whenever there is a loss and grief, it's often associated with ill-will and anger as part of the symptom of grief.
It's the opposite of love. It is fighting reality, fighting the world.
Whenever there is a loss and grief, it's often associated with ill-will and anger as part of the symptom of grief.
It's the opposite of love. It is fighting reality, fighting the world.
Are we truly a rainbow of a thousand colours, lighting up the sky? With Singapore’s myriad of diverse identities, we can receive its cultural melting pot with kindness and an open heart. Reflecting on two vignettes, we refresh commonality and connect uncharted dots between faiths.
People, especially in today’s age, assume that love has something to do with romance. The idea of romantic love should be investigated because when we don’t know it properly, it can create so much suffering inside of us. So often, when you fall in love, what you are really loving is the way the person makes you feel.
Be mindful of the underlying metaphors that shape your view of relationships. Relationships are not transactions to be balanced out, but collaborative artworks that are infinitely deep. Give selflessly with no expectation of return. Ironically, this is also how you are rewarded with beautiful and deep connections.
Since young, Kyle is always confused with how people look at him and why people like to call him names that are demeaning and hurtful. The term "gay" was not common during the ‘80s in Singapore.
The world has never been more united yet divided at the same time.
Social rights movements bring people together, but they also seem to tear people apart. Why is that? Have we missed the plot? Isn't the end goal to be at peace and to be happy?