4 ‘f-ing’ reasons on why you should meditate at the park
3 Fs that you can give and gain when meditating in the park. Kyle explores the different benefits of it!
3 Fs that you can give and gain when meditating in the park. Kyle explores the different benefits of it!
Stock market's highs and lows. Is that similiar to our happiness? Can it be different? One monk shares about stabilising our peace while the other shares about seeing the good in us. Here are two stories for feeling less like the stock market! Two sharing to help you calm that stock market within you.
When and how should we break up with friends? 4 persons, 4 stories of friendship breakup - being bullied, being in love with a friend whose attached, walking away from toxic circle, and healing old wounds.
In life, we often choose what makes us feel good first and avoid the unpleasant. But scientists discovered that prioritising happiness can backfire and move us further away from being truly happy. But what exactly is happiness and how can we pursue it successfully? Here are two sharings that offer some answers:ย
1. Donโt chase happiness. Become antifragile.
2. Choose pain first
Being charitable is not just about giving money and help to the needy. Charity is a form of giving to those around us and it is not just about material help. So, what is the true meaning of giving?
Be humble. Don't claim credit. Heard this at work or during projects? How often do we undermine ourselves at work and amongst friends? Here are two stories today to help you take credit when it is due and how to remove hesistance
1. I don't deserve it, other people do much more.
2. Interrupting your what ifs