When is Vesak Day exactly? Why so many different dates?
Vesak falls on different dates in Malaysia and Singapore, what's going on?
Vesak falls on different dates in Malaysia and Singapore, what's going on?
Here are activities you can do this Vesak day in Singapore this year! Celebrate the Buddha day in 2023 meaningfully.
We naturally seek a spouse who is physically, emotionally and spiritually compatible. However, compatibility may not need to be rigid definitions. Sometimes, we fall in love with people that we think are religiously incompatible. Ze Wen shares his experience (not dating advice) on how he navigated his journey of introducing Buddhism to his non-Buddhist spouse and in-laws.
Stuck at CNY gatherings without greetings to utter? This essential guide will help you out and give Dhamma reflections too! May you have a blissful CNY!
Being charitable is not just about giving money and help to the needy. Charity is a form of giving to those around us and it is not just about material help. So, what is the true meaning of giving?