How a monk’s one word saved my marriage
My relationship with my husband was going stale and we both felt a sense of draining affection in our marriage; attending a Dhamma talk was a pivotal change for our relationship.
My relationship with my husband was going stale and we both felt a sense of draining affection in our marriage; attending a Dhamma talk was a pivotal change for our relationship.
Is she/he the 'right one' for me? This valentine's day, we may be going on dates or even planning to propose. Asking deeper questions about the person who might be our life partner is crucial to reach long term stability in life and on the path. We also cover a story about leaving which can range from leaving home or a relationship.
1. 10 Questions to ask yourself before you 'chope' your life partner.
2. Sometimes you need to leave.
We have all said goodbyes at some point in our lives. Does it always have to be a sad occasion? How can we better deal with goodbyes?
When and how should we break up with friends? 4 persons, 4 stories of friendship breakup - being bullied, being in love with a friend whose attached, walking away from toxic circle, and healing old wounds.
Single and in your late twenties? Mabel shares her stories of realisation and wisdom from navigating the dating world.
We rejoice over the repeal of Section 377A of the Penal Code. This is significant progress made towards the vision of creating an inclusive Singapore.