
#WW: “Join my religion. You will be saved.” Conversations on Religious Conversions

#WW: “Join my religion. You will be saved.” Conversations on Religious Conversions

Conversions and attempts at conversion are something we may keep quiet about. This week we explore this prickly topic and how we can manage proselytising when it happens. On the flip side, do Buddhist try to convert others?1. "Hi, would you like to convert to my religion?": Agreeing to disagree2. Do Buddhists convert people? : Don't Ask Strangers If They've Found Buddha

#WW: ☸️ 2500+ years ago a wheel was turned. Here’s why today is special

#WW: ☸️ 2500+ years ago a wheel was turned. Here’s why today is special

Happy Asalha Puja (Dhamma Day)! The lesser known but significant date on the Buddhist calendar. This day marks the first teaching (aka turning of the wheel of the Dhamma) Buddha gave after his enlightenment. The decision to teach the Dhamma had clear results; the first students eventually gained enlightenment! This showed that the Buddha's method was replicable and accessible to all. Here are two stories to inspire you on this holy day!

1. Established more than 500 years before Oxford University, this Buddhist university is roaring back to life

2. You discovered something profound, who do you share it with? Or do you keep it to yourself?