#WW: ๐Ÿ™”I am dying”: Here’s how the Dhamma helped me in my final days

2 mins read
Published on Sep 20, 2023

Wholesome Wednesdays (WW): Bringing you curated positive content on Wednesdays to uplift your hump day.

What’s one way we can view Ghost Month? Beyond joss papers and prayers, we can understand how we can die well. Today we cover lessons from a Dhamma practitioner who faced death with ease and also what we can do when life seems to fall apart.

1. 10 Dhamma lessons that helped me in the last months of my life
2. Can life fall into place when it feels like falling apart?

10 Dhamma lessons that helped me in the last months of my life

dying flame
cr: Unsplash


Ann Le, a mindfulness trainer and member of Thich Nhat Hanhโ€™s Plum Village community, shares 10 lessons that helped her in the last days of her life. She was hospitalised when sharing these short snippets of wisdom. She would then pass on after months of hospitalisation. We liked it because we could feel her wisdom and bravery in the face of death.

“Practice the habits of happiness in daily life when things are still okay”

Wise Steps

  • When was the last time you practised happiness in daily life?
  • If tomorrow was our last day, will we be content with doing all that we wanted to? Life is uncertain.

Check out the post here or below!

Can life fall into place when it feels like falling apart?

leaves of change
Cr: Unsplash


When life falls apart, it can be overwhelming and difficult to know how to cope. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, there are ways to start putting your life back together. Einzelgรคnger, a philosophy youtube channel, shares a Buddhist story and how we can apply it to our lives.

” So, the best thing he could do is to find joy in his darkest hour, something that, as opposed to his predicament, lies within his field of control.”

Wise Steps

  • Reflect on the last time change led to something positive and negative in your life. Have hope that situations do change. Hang in there
  • Remind yourself ‘this too shall pass’ in both good and bad times

Watch it here or below

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