Wholesome Wednesdays (WW): Bringing you curated positive content on Wednesdays to uplift your hump day.
Facing a dark cloud in your mind? It could be one of the five hindrances disrupting you from becoming the person you wish to be or leading you away from happiness. Today we explore two resources to help us overcome these forces that hold us back.
1. 5 Hindrances to Avoid Daily
2. 5 frenemies you might meet in meditation
5 Hindrances to Avoid Daily
Shi Heng Yi, headmaster of the Shaolin temple in Europe, shares in a Tedtalk about the five hindrances. He shares in-depth about the hindrances and their drawbacks. He introduces RAIN meditation as a way to deal with these states of mind.
“What it is that you dislike, it wouldn’t make it a pleasant journey. Unless you let go of this ill will, you will not complete this journey”
Wise Steps
- Which of the five hindrances affect you most in daily life?
- Practice RAIN meditation by Tara Brach to disassociate ourselves from difficult states of mind that may arise in day-to-day life.
Check out the video here or below!
Five frenemies you might meet in meditation
Kyle, HOL’s writer & Rainbodhi Singapore’s Founder, shares about the five hindrances and how we approached them in meditation. Using very personal stories, he brings the hindrances to life during his meditation retreat. Meditation is not as easy when we have to sit with negative thoughts, but it makes it worthwhile when we understand ourselves deeper.
โYou are your teacher. Looking for teachers canโt solve your doubts. Investigate yourself to find the truth โ inside, not outside. Knowing yourself is most important.โ
Wise Steps
- How often do we meet difficulties in meditation? How do we approach them? Do we pause to understand what conditions led to that state or do we quickly push them away?
- Keep watch in your mind and avoid states of mind that blame others for your lack of peace.
Read it here or below