#WW: 🎣 Are you a dying fish playing a social media game?
Wholesome Wednesdays: April draws to a close, how should we view endings? Ending our self confidence or ending of our good health?
Wholesome Wednesdays: April draws to a close, how should we view endings? Ending our self confidence or ending of our good health?
The last public holiday felt like ages ago. The office space or your team feels chaotic. How can we work with chaos? How do astronauts cope with stress?
1. Astronauts, Heartbeat, and our unpleasant emails
2. Chaos at office! How to deal with it the Buddhist way
Happy Asalha Puja (Dhamma Day)! The lesser known but significant date on the Buddhist calendar. This day marks the first teaching (aka turning of the wheel of the Dhamma) Buddha gave after his enlightenment. The decision to teach the Dhamma had clear results; the first students eventually gained enlightenment! This showed that the Buddha's method was replicable and accessible to all. Here are two stories to inspire you on this holy day!
1. Established more than 500 years before Oxford University, this Buddhist university is roaring back to life
2. You discovered something profound, who do you share it with? Or do you keep it to yourself?
These are uncertain times. With lay offs happening across industries especially in the tech sector, we might feel this creeping anxiety of being retrenched. For those of us who see our colleagues get retrenched, we might feel lost in our careers. That's probably okay and human to feel that way. Here are 2 articles to get you through these tough times
1. It is okay to feel lost. We all do.
2. Prolonged Uncertainty is a pain. What can we do about it?
Pink Dot, an event that supports people's right to love, comes and goes every year. This year is back to a physical event with many hugs exchanged and photos taken. Beyond the event, how can we show support and compassion to our LGBTQ+ friends?
Great resignation. Middle of the year. A time for reflection on how we have done this year and how we can use the second half in the most meaningful way. Here are two stories!