Wholesome Wednesdays (WW): Bringing you curated positive content on Wednesdays to uplift your hump day.
We often prioritise winning especially in Singapore. How we know when to quit? What if we are not lazy but burnt out? These are great times to check in and answer ourselves honestly
1. How to figure out when to quit? This framework might just help you
2. You might be the 75% of adults who face some form of burn out. Here are 6 signs to check on
How to figure out when to quit? This framework might just help you

What’s going on here & why we like it
Ali Abdaal, a youtuber who focuses on self-growth and self-education shares about the value of quitting and why sometimes it is better to give up than to continue. He shares on Stephen’s quitting framework for us to get a grip on our lives and avoid the pitfalls of following a past commitment that is no longer relevant.
“The payoff (going to medical school) wasn’t worth it”
Wise Steps
Run through this framework on different aspects of your life to check in on whether you should quit on certain projects that you have dragged on…and have made you a grumpy person
Watch the tiktok below!
You might be the 75% of adults who face some form of burnout. Here are 6 signs to check on

What’s going on here & why we like it
Psych2go, a youtube channel focusing on mental health, shares 6 signs to check on to determine if you are lazy or plain burnout. Some of the signs are: depersonalisation (not feeling like yourself), demotivation (you used to be motivated), and you find difficulty finding passion. We like this video because it allows viewers to discern between lazy mind states and a clear need for intervention in mental well-being (burnout)
“Burnout develops in stages…it doesn’t happen overnight. There are 5 stages of burnout.”
Wise Steps
Do a check-in! See if you can spot any of the 6 signs of burnout and start taking active action by reaching out for professional help.
Enjoy the video below!