E-guide to keep a balanced mind

Β This is a space for youths to explore and learn practical Buddhist wisdom that we can apply in our daily lives to live life to the fullest. We feature life stories, reflections & experiences from wise teachers & spiritual Buddhist practitioners around the world as well as tips & guides for meditation, learning buddhism, mental wellness and spiritual practices.
We are wired to look at things by categories and categorization since young and that led us to view things as black & white, either or. This eventually lead some of us to think and live life on the extreme end of the spectrum. This e-guide on ‘8 Tips for a More Balanced Mind’ consist of useful and tested methods that we can learn and apply in our lives to bring our minds closer to the ‘middle path’ – a more balanced mind.Β
Try to apply the tips in this e-guide and share with us through email or on our social media on your experience or suggestions to add to the e-guide.Β