Handful of Leaves

Handful of Leaves

Handful of Leaves

Bringing you practical wisdom for a happier life.

What is Diamond Repentance Prayer?

The Diamond Repentance Prayer is a Buddhist practice based on the teachings of the Diamond Sutra. It is one of the most important scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism. In this prayer, practitioners express remorse for their past actions, seeking purification and...


Buddhism vs. Spirituality: When to Call Yourself A Buddhist? ft. Ray Choo (Director and Producer of Waking Up 2050)

In our newest episode, we delve into the intricate journey of spiritual identity with our special guest, Ray Choo, director and producer of Waking Up 2050 🎬. From his personal experiences to the broader concepts of Buddhism, Ray sheds light on embracing the Buddhist identity as a commitment to the path of wisdom and compassion, and unravel the evolving perceptions of religion and spirituality in today's world.

Lifestyle, Read

Contentment Drives Ambition

In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, understanding the intricate relationship between contentment and ambition is paramount. From young, we’re conditioned by the unforgiving expectations of society to strive for the highest excellence that permeates every aspect of...

Lifestyle, Read

Navigating Tough Decisions

Candid Conversations with GonzaloIn a podcast conversation with Cheryl, Gonzalo shares personal experiences and insights on making tough decisions. From navigating international career moves to handling layoffs, Gonzalo provides a candid look into the complexities of decision-making.