The Story Behind HOL

This site, HandfulofLeaves, is named after an important discourse by the Buddha. Of all the knowledge we can acquire in life, only a handful leads to peace, which is considered essential and beneficial.

This platform aims to provide essential and practical insights that would be useful to readers to navigate the complexities of life.

May you be able to apply the timeless teachings of the Buddha to your life and

  • grow in mental resilience
  • overcome modern challenges
  • improve yourself, and
  • free your heart.

HOL 的来由: 我们这个网站的名字源于佛陀的教诲。人一生中能学习到的知识,只有一小部分能让我们得到我们需要并对我们有益的安宁。



  • 提升坚韧性和抗压力
  • 克服现代的挑战
  • 改善自我
  • 释放心灵

Content anchored in realism

The spirit behind the content is anchored in realism instead of idealism

We hope to provide a space for readers and writer:

  • To recognise,
  • to reflect,
  • to appreciate, and
  • to embrace the imperfections and adversities of life.

This important process for growth can be beautifully sum up in this phrase

“No mud, no lotus”.

Only when stress is known, can the cause of stress is understood, then one can apply effective means to uproot the stress, and eventually experience the freedom from it.

The content featured on this site are views and learnings from the community of contributors mainly from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia inspired by Buddhist teachings. May you be inspired by what is shared here. May you absorb what you feel is useful and applicable to you, discard what does not resonate. If you would like to contribute to this initiative, drop us an email at [email protected]

May you grow in mindfulness and wisdom; may you grow on this path to the freeing of the heart.

  • 认出
  • 反省
  • 欣赏
  • 怀抱生命的不完美和逆境
新加坡、马来西亚和印尼的作者由佛陀的教诲中学习到的观点,为本网站提供了内容。希望读者从中得到启发;汲取有用、可用的知识,摒除你不认同之处。您要是愿意贡献,请电邮 [email protected] 

Meet the folks behind HOL

We’re all juggling the responsibilities of Handful Of Leaves (HOL) on a volunteer basis alongside our full-time jobs.
Why do we dedicate so much time to running this? Because Dhamma has a full-time position in our hearts ❤️
We’ve benefited tremendously from the Triple Gem, and now we’re paying it forward. 

Core team

Teo Heng Xuan

Teo Heng Xuan

Content Lead

A venture capitalist, and stoic Buddhist nerd who loves vegetables and reading books. Tries his best to meditate daily.

Kaylee Siaw

Kaylee Siaw

Commercials & Partnerships

A financial architect who enjoys cultivating positive, wholesome mental states in herself and others.

Ang You Shan

Ang You Shan

Creative Lead

A designer and tech nerd. She strives to live intentionally, and apply Buddhist wisdom in daily life!

Cheryl Cheah

Cheryl Cheah

Podcast lead

Cheryl cannot decide if she’s introverted or extroverted, but one thing for sure, is that she loves the Buddha!

Seng Tat Chua

Seng Tat Chua

HOL Directory Lead

Public servant by day and a sustainable development enthusiast. His resolution is to be more in the now and enjoy the present moment.

Cheryl Puah

Cheryl Puah


A marketer who finds joy in learning about people, life & the world.

Podcast team

Cheryl Cheah

Cheryl Cheah

Podcast lead & co-host

Cheryl cannot decide if she’s introverted or extroverted, but one thing for sure, is that she loves the Buddha!


Tan Si Jing

Tan Si Jing


Our resident gen z gym gurlie who enjoys reading and has a social battery that depletes as fast as toilet rolls during COVID-19

Hong Jia Yi

Hong Jia Yi


Jiayi is sometimes very confused, but at other times pretty cool. Her sources of fuel are the Triple Gem, exercise and a good night’s rest.

Illustrators for articles and socials

Ang You Shan

Ang You Shan

You Shan bounces between design and tech. She loves cinematic films, flying her drone, and visiting peaceful, zen sites. 

Clifford Goh

Clifford Goh

Likes to investigate things deeeply. Wishes to meet as many enlightened beings as possible in this life.

Kavishni Nanayakkara

Kavishni Nanayakkara

Kavishni believes a little mindfulness goes a long way—especially on Mondays ☺️ When she’s not napping, she’s immersed in music, poetry, or organizing everything, often while lost in thought about… well, everything.

Sarah Moi

Sarah Moi

A designer who loves the outdoors, and finding calm through cooking and baking. She feels happiest sharing her bakes and seeing people enjoy them.

Ophelia Toh Yi Shan

Ophelia Toh Yi Shan

Ophelia loves cats, yet in all truths she struggles to love herself. As an introvert, she inclines to lose herself in a good book or in the forest or in the silence of a conversation.

Tan Pei Shan

Tan Pei Shan

A fellow Kalyanamitta who enjoys living in the present moment. She love spending time with her grandparents, hiking, practicing yoga, songwriting, and reflecting on life through the lens of Dhamma.

Editors for articles

Teo Heng Xuan

Teo Heng Xuan

A driven nerd whom you may find hanging out more at libraries than at parties. Passionate about finding different ways to not fall asleep during meditation. A borderline social media luddite.

Tan Jia Yee

Tan Jia Yee

A marketing communications consultant and a nature lover, striving to live by the N8FP.

Ophelia Toh Yi Shan

Ophelia Toh Yi Shan

Ophelia loves cats, yet in all truths she struggles to love herself. As an introvert, she inclines to lose herself in a good book or in the forest or in the silence of a conversation. 

Wilson Ng

Wilson Ng

A quirky combination of contradictions, or more commonly known as a weirdo. Laughs louder than the mating calls of the ‘uwu’ birds. Fun in moderate doses.

Other volunteers

Diga Widyaprana

Diga Widyaprana

Tech support

Still figuring out what he wants out of life. In the meantime, he tries to make himself useful to the people around him, one of which by contributing to HOL 🙃.

Geraldine Tay

Geraldine Tay

Tech support

A simple person aspiring to live well. Travels to monasteries around the world to serve and learn from the great practitioners of our time.

Salvi Yamin

Salvi Yamin

Accountant and tax advisor

Salvi is a tax advisor and accountant by trade. When she not immersed in the world of taxes and crunching numbers, she is seeking inner balance through yoga and meditation or doing volunteering work.

Our Advisors

Tan Chade Meng

Chade-Meng Tan (Meng) is an award-winning engineer, international bestselling author, thought leader, movie producer and philanthropist. His work has received eight nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Sylvia Bay

Sister Sylvia Bay has a B.A. (Hons) First Class, in Buddhist Studies. She regular speaker on Buddhist doctrine, Buddhist history, and the practical application of the Buddha’s teachings in daily life.

Koh Kai Xin (co-founder)

Kai Xin co-founded a 7 figure revenue training and consulting business, HighSpark. She co-founded Handful of Leaves and previously led at Buddhist Fellowship Youth, providing Dhamma curriculum for the next generation.

Join our pool of writers

Your stories and reflections have the potential to change someone’s life. Share your insights; join us as a writer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is HOL affiliated with a specific Buddhist tradition or organisation?


No, HOL is an independent platform that respects and welcomes perspectives from various Buddhist traditions, including Theravāda, Mahāyāna, and Vajrayāna. Our focus is on practical wisdom that can be applied in everyday life.

Can I contribute articles or reflections to HOL?


Yes! We welcome contributions from writers who can share practical Buddhist wisdom in a relatable way. Articles should be clear, engaging, and free from overly academic or dogmatic tones. If you’re interested, reach out to us with your idea. 

How do you ensure the integrity of your content?


At Handful of Leaves (HOL), we approach content with a deep respect for Buddhist values, ensuring alignment with the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path while also embracing the spirit of ehi-passiko (come and see for yourself)—encouraging inquiry, open inquiry, personal reflection, and diverse perspectives, rather than dictating right or wrong.

While traditional Buddhist settings may avoid topics like sex, drugs, LGBTQ+, crypto, and other complex modern issues, HOL believes that Buddhism is meant to be lived—not just studied in isolation. Our goal is not to dictate right or wrong but to present diverse perspectives that invite readers to reflect and engage with wisdom in a way that supports the practice of awakening.

To ensure accuracy, integrity, and inclusivity, we:

  • Consult a trusted pool of Buddhist leaders—both lay and monastic—across different traditions, as well as representatives from relevant groups, to ensure a fair and balanced approach on highly controversial topics or those requiring great care.
  • Curate content that inspires rather than prescribes, avoiding dogma or rigid interpretations while staying grounded in fundamental Buddhist teachings.
  • Refrain from endorsing any political, sectarian, or divisive narratives to keep HOL a space for harmony, learning, and thoughtful discussion.
  • Provide a platform for multiple perspectives—ensuring that the conversation remains open-ended, allowing readers to form their own views rather than imposing a singular truth.

We recognize the limitations of our understanding and acknowledge that, despite our best efforts, we may still overlook certain details. We welcome readers to reach out and share their insights if they believe any corrections or additional perspectives are needed.

Are there any topics HOL does not publish?


We avoid content that promotes exclusivity, political agendas, or sectarian disputes. Our goal is to create an open, welcoming space for learning and reflection.

Can HOL help to promote my own Buddhist group or initiative?


If your initiative aligns with the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path—and provides meaningful benefit to the community, we’re happy to explore ways to feature it.

However, we do not accept self-promotional content that prioritises personal or organisational gain over community well-being. Additionally, we do not list organisations involved in political disputes, sectarian conflicts, or activities that create division within the Buddhist community or with other faith groups. 

Why do you charge for certain things?


At HOL, we aim to keep most of our content and resources free so that Buddhist wisdom remains accessible to as many people as possible. However, to sustain and grow our platform, some initiatives may come with a price tag.

Here’s why we may charge for certain things:

Covering Operational Costs – While HOL is volunteer-driven, we still have expenses such as website maintenance, content production, and administrative needs.

Supporting Quality Offerings – Some collaborations or special projects may require professional services, venue bookings, or facilitation fees.

Fair Compensation (Right Livelihood) – In the future, we hope to hire a small team to work full-time on HOL, ensuring they are fairly supported while dedicating themselves to this mission.

It is our principle to not commercialise the Dhamma. Hence, we are careful about what we place a price tag on and strive to balance sustainability with our mission of sharing the Dhamma openly. 

To keep the majority of our content free, we are exploring ways to generate revenue, including:

Sponsored articles (these will be clearly labeled as such)

Commercial listings in our event directory

If you believe in our mission and would like to support HOL, we welcome sponsors and partners to be part of this journey. Your contributions help us continue providing quality content while keeping Buddhist wisdom accessible to all.